A San Diego Restaurant Review Blog

in which the author chronicles her efforts to indulge her foodie inclinations amidst her working-mom-of-a-toddler lifestyle

(with some reviews for with toddlers, others for date night, and others for a delicious solo lunch on the run, plus occasional quick-notes on SD theater!)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And now for a massage review...

Since USD Foodie mentioned Massage Thai Way in Linda Vista, here's my report....

SUPER-REASONABLE (I paid $25/hour with the coupon he gave me; normally it's $30 for first-timers or $39 regular)


Still not quite as good as Royal Siam in Solana (but that's twice the price!). If I have a really bad pain, Royal Siam is my place....but just for a relaxing regular deep-tissue stress release, Massage Thai Way is a great option to know about!


  1. So glad you went. It's the only Thai massage I've tried, so I have no basis for comparison. All I know is that I like it way better than the Chinese places on Convoy. (Although the new place on University in HC next to the Ethiopian place is excellent.) Now I definitely need to try Royal Siam!! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Haha - a massage place next to Bayu. The great massage joints all seem to be next to foodie jewels (Royal Siam/Waters, Massage Thai Way/Sab E Lee, and your place in Hillcrest!).
