A San Diego Restaurant Review Blog

in which the author chronicles her efforts to indulge her foodie inclinations amidst her working-mom-of-a-toddler lifestyle

(with some reviews for with toddlers, others for date night, and others for a delicious solo lunch on the run, plus occasional quick-notes on SD theater!)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

El Callejon (Encinitas): Another train restaurant

There's a sign in the model train museum in Balboa Park: "yes, it really is always about trains." In our case, dining out with Super Toddler can be that way too.

We went to Legoland this afternoon and were trying to decide where to eat on the way home. CH suggested El Callejon. Chilly night, but with the heatlamps we figured we would be ok. El Callejon is yummy.

And (who knew?) it is also a train restaurant. The front parking lot at Moonlight Plaza was filled, so we followed the signs to park at the Encinitas Coaster station around the back. This allowed us to cross the tracks at the signal crossing as we walked from our car to the restaurant. (super excitement from ST).

And as we ate, not one but two trains rolled by. We couldn't see them, but we had a prime listening spot for all that horn. ST did his happy Coaster passing dance.

The food: yummy as usual. Had a black bean soup (though they brought me bacon on the side, which was lame since it was on the vegetarian menu - but I just sent it back). Then some yummy tacos de pescado, which has the yummiest tomato/pepper/onion sauce on grilled mahi mahi. CH enjoyed his chicken mole and the salsa. ST was very content with his guac, quesadilla, and treats (complimentary ice cream with a yummy hot-out-of-the-oven-churro AND a lolli for a well-behaved boy).

Overall, fast service, good food. A great night out together!

(I should note that ST had a tantrum when we first arrived because they immediately brought us chips and salsa, and he wanted guac. Took a long time for the server to arrive and ST was at first not a happy camper and had no patience. But once we ordered and the guac came, his hunger tantrum ended and we had a lovely meal. He especially loved the singers who came over to serenade us, and he was very proud to hand them money when I slipped it to him).

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