A San Diego Restaurant Review Blog

in which the author chronicles her efforts to indulge her foodie inclinations amidst her working-mom-of-a-toddler lifestyle

(with some reviews for with toddlers, others for date night, and others for a delicious solo lunch on the run, plus occasional quick-notes on SD theater!)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I love San Diego!!! (a post doped-up on veg Indian food)

I really need to get east of Scranton Road more often!!!

We are invited to a Diwali party tonight. Potluck Indian. No point cooking Indian - CH can't stand the smell of the spices. (this is why foodie mom snatches every possible opportunity to get her Indian food fix at lunch on the run). No problem, I thought: I'll head down during quiet time to grab some sweets at Surati Farsan market. It ain't home-cooked, but who's going to complain when I bring mango, coconut, rose, and pistachio sweets from Surati Farsan?

Got there - street fair in the Little India parking lot! They're just setting up, so there were still spots in the lot. But so much Diwali excitement in the air! Booths advertising veg Indian treat after veg Indian treat were set up, but not selling yet, which whetted my appetite.

Went in, got my sweets, headed to the car....but couldn't leave Little India without a savory Indian treat (too bad if I'm going to a potluck - I needed instant Indian gratification). So I headed right back into Surati Farsan for a snack.

SURATI FARSAN MARKET is so ridiculously tasty (I hate to say it, but even yummier than Sitar or Sher e Punjab). I never get savory stuff there, but I really should. Got a little bowl of dodhi chana curry, with one roti. Chana should be chickpeas, and they told me it was with kambocha squash; it was actually a kambocha-lentil combo. Ridiculously good - chemically ridiculously good. Good Indian food makes a happy-making reaction in my body (I'm not speaking figuratively - don't know exactly what causes it). A few bites and I was on a ridiculous Indian food high.

If you see this before the evening, head on down to Little India. How's that for an unexpected food adventure while on a short break from SuperBoy? I LOVE SAN DIEGO!!!

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