A San Diego Restaurant Review Blog

in which the author chronicles her efforts to indulge her foodie inclinations amidst her working-mom-of-a-toddler lifestyle

(with some reviews for with toddlers, others for date night, and others for a delicious solo lunch on the run, plus occasional quick-notes on SD theater!)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Quick review: Grant Grill Menu overhaul

I *love* Grant Grill. I have always loved its:

--posh but friendly/unpretentious atmosphere
--incredibly knowledgeable and warm servers (esp. Natalie)
--the super duper cocktails and wine list by the genius manager/sommelier Jeff Josenhans

The food has always been....good.

But overall I have always had a top-notch experience even if I wouldn't give the food a 10.

Now, it is CRAZY delicious, and the new chef, Sam Burman, has just elevated the place far above, in my view, any other place in SD (at least for someone like me who would rather have a cool atmosphere but not one with loud pulsating music that is trying to hard to be hip and full of 20somethings).

Had a crazy delicious meal there.
--Jeff Josenhan's bottle-fermented cosmo: c-r-a-z-y (so subtle, with hints of keffir lime, a little fizzy, really inventive)
--crazy beet dish
--delicious mushroom bread pudding

And their old standby signature warm foccacia.

I love it even more now. It's not an every-day-hey-why-don't-we-grab-dinner place, but I love going there!

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