A San Diego Restaurant Review Blog

in which the author chronicles her efforts to indulge her foodie inclinations amidst her working-mom-of-a-toddler lifestyle

(with some reviews for with toddlers, others for date night, and others for a delicious solo lunch on the run, plus occasional quick-notes on SD theater!)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Healthy Vegetarian Food at the San Diego County Fair (Del Mar Fair): Some Vegan Food too!

Here's my classic post on veg. food at the Del Mar Fair: http://sdfoodgirl.blogspot.com/2011/06/healthy-vegetarian-food-at-sd-county.html. It's one of the most visited pages at my blog.

Updated for 2013:  the Albertson's shack (not far from Kiddieland) has a ton of great fresh food choices, from Greek yogurt to packaged salads with calorie counts. Haven't tried them yet but they look like great options.

The new "Del Mar Diner" in Plaza de Mexico has some interesting grilled cheese choices which I may try this year.

Went to Roxy's on my first visit: baked falafel burger wasn't quite as delicious as I remember, but it's still always an excellent choice at the fair and worth eating at least for one visit. I may try the yummy veg burritos at the Palapa Shack on my next fair visit. (tonight hopefully!).

Veg burrito at Palapa Shack was excellent for the fair. Even PRGirl, a healthy veg who normally would not even think of eating at the fair, was impressed. (it's VEGAN too - non-dairy cheese).

We also discovered Dee's, which sells grilled asparagus and grilled artichokes. They showed us that they grill them separately from the meat, within foil.  We didn't try them last night but we were impressed.

Now if I could only get the Paddock bar to sell some decent wine. BV only? (they have great beers but I wasn't in a beer mood!)

This is not technically healthy. BUT among fair desserts, I have to give a shoutout to Dave's Coffee (in Plaza de Mexico). It's run by Dave, the son of the Roxy owner.  They have some yummy desserts that are not as disgusting as the regular fair stuff. (And if you say: why are you going to the fair if you don't want to eat fried food? I'll say: when you go as often as we do in the summer (whether for fun with SuperBoy or concert date nights we look forward to all year long), you do not want to eat gross fried food every time you go.).  Got a very moist, fresh and tasty carrot cake. They also have a flourless chocolate cake, tiramisu spongecake, chocolate mousse cake, and new york cheesecake that look good.  PRGirl got a soy chai from them the other night and was very impressed to find that at the fair. They also have a cart right near the O'Brien Gate entrance, but it only has muffins, not the plated desserts.  Shoutout to Dave and his mom Roberta for the yummy drinks and dessert served with love!

And can someone at the fair please get wine in the concert areas other than BV? The bar lines were ridiculously long at Steve Miller tonight, and there was no way I was going to stand on line for that!


  1. Divya, Thanks so much! I'm glad the blog was helpful. I'll check out the Indian recipes links. I do love Indian food!

  2. Will check the Indian recipes. Thanks for the info. Here is a link to Best Indian Restaurants in San Diego if you want to try.
